Jennifer Rojas-Menn

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Book an appointment with me directly: Calendly

Performing together - better and better...and better...

As a guide, I inspire and support the development of an organizational design and the associated cultural change that companies need in order to perform at a high level.

What I offer

  • Consulting and coaching in the improvement of organizational design and (cultural) change at divisional, project and overall company level
  • Internal kickstarts on (business) agility and agile tools such as Kanban, Scrum, Flight Levels etc. for division managers, project managers and management

About me

I have many years of experience in supporting change processes in companies of various sizes and industries. I combine agile with systemic approaches to develop holistic and sustainable solutions for complex organizational challenges. Having lived and worked in Europe, Latin America and Asia myself, I am fascinated by the diversity in this world and have therefore also studied cultural studies. I like people and the community. With my gentle and yet very direct and demanding manner, I can relate well to a wide variety of people and drive things forward.

HowI work

I listen very well. I observe. I give input and together with my client we observe what happens. I hold up the mirror. I also put my finger on where it hurts. We reflect together. We are improving – continuously.
I don't give a quick motivational injection that wears off in a few days, but enable sustainable change in the company. My intention is to empower my client. After that, I increasingly withdraw and am available for an external impulse if necessary.

Trainings and certificates

Systemic Organizational Consulting isi
CAS in Systemic Coaching
Flight Level 2 Design Alumna®
Kanban Management Professional®
LeSS Practitioner®
Certified Scrum Master®
Agile People Leadership
Reteaming® Coach
Solution-Oriented Approach (Ben Furman)
Theory U
Social Presencing Theater
System Scribing
MA in Cultural Studies